Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Melia is nice!

Hi all!

Melia me friend visit me this morning and her and me we had a good time!

Check out the video of meself being sweeeet:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dearest All,

I have been visited once again by Sinta-Claws, this time he dropped by two times. About a week ago, he arrived in Geneva with his fungus-horse & left me a present in my shoe. Of course, I have to exchange it with a carrot. When I opened it in the morning, I was like OMG, it's makka pakka. My all time favourite friend.

Last weekend, as a family tradition we went to the Montreaux's christmas market. This time we beat the crowd by being there early so we enjoyed the views & christmassy-atmosphere very much.

The crowd that we beat.

Last night, after the wonder cheese-soup dinner called fondue that papa made, Mr. Claws dropped by & guess who received 4 presents, yeah 4???

ok, bye bye now folks!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

snow sneeuw 雪 la neige and alot of it

Yo all,

It has been really white around here & mama kept saying 下雪了!!! I guess she meant the white powder falling from no where. It made papa's hair "nat" & we get to play in it yesterday. Mama also dragged me around on this thing she called the "slee-sledge" & I did not have to move at all. I really enjoy the white powder falling on me but I really did not like it she made me get out of the "slee-sledge" & I made sure to cry extra loud so that she gets the message.

Anyway, some photos to show the 300mm of white powder we got yesterday.

I am about 900mm tall.
Bins of snow, yeah just snow.

Walking thru' the snow....

I guess you get the point now.

Thursday, November 11, 2010



Sorry of the Lack Of Post, can't believe it has been more than 2 months since you last heard from me. But I am back now with some photos & perhaps you will get an idea of my life from the last 2 months. Enjoy!

Your man,

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Hey all,

Me pop & me mom & I went on a one week holiday, we went to Annecy in France to meet up with Ohhma & Ohhhpa. During the one week, we ate, slept, played, went for a ride in the awwto, swam, went on a ride on a 2-wheels awwto, played in the playground, ate ijsje, played some more, jumped, played & drove in Ohhhhpa's awwto. Yes, I drove my Ohhhhpa's car! Anyway, here are some photos for you to enjoy:

By the way, when we got back to Geneva, we realized that my face was pasted on a big poster along the lake of Geneva, so I guess I am famous!

bye bye

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Street Kid

Yo, the streets in my Ge'va neighbourhood are tough! OK, maybe not as tough as the ghetto of Harlem, New York. Maybe more like Haarlem, Noord-Holland...

But still, a little street boy like meself always has to be on the alert for bullies who are bigger and older - stealing me toys - pulling me shirt - pushing me over - anything can happen in me neighbourhood.

So what I do I make sure I get r.e.s.p.e.c.t. from the people - show them that I'm not scared - and always be chilled. And if that doesn't work there's always me mum and me pop around who take care of me and make sure I survive the streets of Ge'va!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Battle of the Slide

Today me and me dad we go to the outside play-place. Me is ready to go down the slide...

Then there was a bully boy he make me scared...

So me take him by surprise...

and make me daddy proud!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Mommy & I risked our lives and went driving with Aunty Shazia & me best mate Meeelia the other day. It was the first time that Aunty S drove in Geneva & France so she became a different Aunty S when she was in the car. I have to say I did not notice too much risky situations since Meeelia & I were having a party on our own. To celebrate the success of our day trip, we took several rides including a rather unconventional helicopter ride. Check out the video & peace!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

We're Back!

Juz came back from our holidaze. Wento Stockholm - very fresh and bright place - lots of dark green and wind and pink flowers and peaceful no-traffic broom brooms and always light even when it's dark very helpful and kind people very friendly to little people like me 'n and LOTS of yellow snails and black slugs crawling around brown-reddish houses with white rims. So many colours! I made a special video so you can see...


Thursday, June 10, 2010

random update

Yo yo'all, some update about moi:

1. I can now say opa opa opa opa opa opa opa opa opa opa until the cows come home.
2. I can also say oooooh nooooo, oooooh nooooo, oooooh nooooo, oooooh nooooo, oooooh nooooo, oooooh nooooo when something disastrous happens (i.e. when my lego blocks are "broken" or when food fell to the floor)
3. I can sing "winke winke lill rs"
4. I can also say my best friend's name meeelia.
5. I help mommy put toys, laundry and garbage away.
6. I love love love love water & baths & baths & baths & fountains & fountains & baths & baths & baths.

Anywhos, it's kinda almost summerish in Geneva. Somedays it's so hot and other days it's hot. So this is how I more or less chill:

me & me indoor hat.

Me chilling on the balcony

Me new big bobby car from Aunty Brigitte!

Me & my best friend, meeelia.